
Japanese Myth in Persona 4- Part 2

I've continued playing through Persona 4 and found myself wanting to play Persona 3 all over again. Also, the desire to play Persona Q rises. The same Personas show up again and again, and I really like all the different world myths and legends that show up! For example, I've seen Narcissus (a Greek myth) next to Yaksini (Hindu), a nozuchi (Japanese), and Archangel (Christian religion). I think the main cultures the Persona 4 developers draw upon are Japanese, Hindu, and Greek mythologies, religion, and history. I think the reason behind them drawing upon Greek legend is because it's so well-known. Hindu-derived characters may be because of proximity. Japanese legends maybe be because it does take place in Japan, after all, and Japanese players are likely to have heard of some of these. But what better mythology to draw upon than your own?

Onto the characters and their personas! We've officially reached the realm of "I no longer know where these personas comes from in Japanese myth/history."

Yukiko Amagi- Konohana Sakuya

 Yukiko's Persona, Konohana Sakuya, uses fire attacks and looks very, very Japanese. Also, she looks a bit like a pink Power Ranger. I found that Konohanasakuya-hime is from Japanese mythology and is considered an avatar of Japanese life (her symbol is the sakura- very prominent in this Persona's design). She's also the goddess of Mount Fuji and all volcanoes. That's where the fire comes in, I bet.

Konohanasakuya-hime also has another story that shows the origin of her fire attacks. After marrying the god Ninigi, she became pregnant in one night, which caused Ninigi to doubt if the child was his. She became angry, entered a doorless hut, and set it on fire, saying that if it was his child, it would not be harmed. She then gave birth to three sons. 

It's really fitting that Yukiko get Konohana Sakuya. Yukiko's family runs a traditional Japanese inn, and when the character goes to save her, she is in a kimono. Many of the elements in her life are very clearly Japanese. Her Persona goes even further with this, because the recurring motif is sakura.

Kanji Tatsumi- Takemikazuchi

When Kanji and his Persona came into the party, I realized why Jiraiya (Yousuke's Persona) didn't have thunder abilities, despite the name and kanji. Kanji's Persona is the god of thunder in Japanese mythology! Takemikazuchi apparently went on a campaign to subjugate the terrestrial deities, and defeating the children of local god of Izumo. One easily gave up his authority while the other would not give up without a show of strength. Takemikazuchi supposedly crushed the god's hand, and the god begged for his life. This show of strength is considered the origin of sumo, fun fact. I didn't know anything about the history of sumo, really. But here I am, learning all sorts of things. He is also known for subduing a giant catfish that supposedly caused the Japanese earthquakes.

 Kanji receiving this Persona is really appropriate. He is very strong and physical, using blunt weapons such as chairs and desks while fighting. Having a Persona that's known for his strength and the origin of sumo seems fitting. Kanji's "strong guy" look seems reflect his desire to "be manly," because Kanji's Shadow preyed on his fears of being "girly." When I say "girly," I mean he likes to do arts and crafts- sewing and the like, which is traditionally a feminine hobby. I also say "reflects his desire to be manly" because a friend showed me something from the "true ending" of Persona 4, and it showed Kanji not looking like a punk. It surprised me, and I think he went from trying to look as manly as possible to being okay with who he really is.

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